Don't miss the fun! 🔴 See all the archived streams! 🔴 Click SHOW MORE for UPCOMING GUESTS ↴ Sun 5/31: Steve Zaragoza - Billy the Kid Vs. Dracula (1966) BONUS: Tues 6/2: RemixRob - The Garbage Pail Kids Movie (1987) Fri 6/5: Jonathan Coulton - Megaforce (1982) Sun 6/7: Kayla Cagan - Roller Boogie (1979) BONUS: Tues 6/9: Ken Plume - Sextette (1978) Fri 6/12: Kim Evey Benson - Samurai Cop (1991) Sun 6/14: Aaron Yonda & Courtney Collins - movie TBD Bad Movies Live airs on Twitch FRIDAYS at 6PM PT SUNDAYS at 5PM PT TUESDAYS at 8PM PT Clips from "Miami Connection" used under laws of Fair Use/Parody New lyrics & vocals by Greg Benson Additional mixing by RemixRob SPECIAL THANKS to my top supporters at Patreon! Nate Cummings Peter Fields Rachel Poe Shannon Katherine Peter Beukering Better&Better Mike Pikowski Robert McGee And HUGE THANKS to everyone who has supported my charity streams! As long as the virus is active, I will continue to donate monthly to to help supply our hard working doctors and nurses with much-needed PPE!